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Attendees & Representation


  • Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
  • Action Items Review
  • General Topics
    • Governance & project management issues
    • API Backlog
    • Commonalities
    • Identity & Consent Management
    • Release Management
  • Specific Topics
    • ...(none)
  • Any Other Topics


Review and approval of previous meeting minutes

  • Minutes of previous TSC meeting: 2024-06-20 TSC Minutes
    • Herbert Damker will check that there are no unintended changes to the minutes (two corrections in participants list done)(Update: Check done and draft status removed)

Action Item Review




  • Release 0.4.0-rc.1
    • Release PR: #240
      • The PR will be merged EOB July 10th if no objection (bug fix fixes could be done after).
      • All TSC participants are asked to review the PR if not yet done.

Identity & Consent Management  (Axel Nennker )

  • Release 0.2.0-rc.1
    • Release PR: #177
      • The PR will be merged EOB July 10th if no objection (bug fix fixes could be done after)
      • All TSC participants are asked to review the PR if not yet done.

Release Management (Tanja de Groot Samuel Adeyemo )


  • Commonalities and ICM scope issues and alpha release PRs/releases under review for one week. 
    • M0 / pre-M1 / pre-M2 announcement - email sent (2024-07-04)
    • Approval to be provided in this TSC meeting
    • Declare M1 in this meeting ?
      • Only alpha version for commonalities -> M1 is was done on June 10th (v0.4.0-alpha.1 released by Commonalities)
  • Release PRs for M2 for Commonalities and ICM release-candidatesready for review by TSC (one week review time)
    • requested to add @camaraproject/TSC_tsc-participants as reviewers to the 2 release PRs
      (update: done by Herbert Damker, added the team also with read access to the repository to allow to get them mentioned)
    • email to tsc list ready to be sent (update: done by Tanja de Groot )
    • One week for Commonalities ans and ICM release PR review comments from today's TSC meeting (see also above)
    • RC proposals for Commonalities & ICM are in progress and be merged by July 10th. 
    • As such, M2 will be pronounced July 10th
  • 18 APIs listed on the Fall24 meta-release plan.
    • Do we need to move the M3 as it is very soon? 
      • Keep it for now and check it during next TSC and decide then.
      • Question about requirement of the basic test cases & documentation for the release candidate step (M3)
    • We have to be aware of a Marketing event September 16th (on Open Source Summit 2024) where the meta-release is planned to be announced
    • This is the top priority for the projects right now.
      • We can inform code owners (via mail list) about the milestones check list 


  • Next TSC Meeting will be on July 20th 18th at 16:00 CEST / 14:00 UTC / 07:00 PST
  • Specific agenda topics backlog:
    • No proposal .... Release preparation make makes the teams very busy slightly smiling face 
    • Herbert proposed to have a sync with the Marketing team

Action items

  •  ...Herbert Damker to check previous meeting minutes and remove draft status  
  •  Herbert Damker to invite Marketing WG for a presentation and discussion within one of next TSC Meetings