The TSC is the Technical Governing body of the CAMARA Project.  This meeting is open to the public; however, voting and the agenda will be set by the members of the TSC.

1st Thursdays at 10:00 CEST / 08:00 UTC / 01:00 PST

Meeting Registration / Join

3rd Thursdays at 16:00 CEST / 14:00 UTC / 07:00 PST

Meeting Registration / Join

Mailing List

Request a Topic at a upcoming TSC Meeting:

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

Current TSC Members:

Herbert Damker

Deutsche Telekom AG

TSC Chair, Active Maintainer
Shilpa Padgaonkar

Deutsche Telekom AG

Active Maintainer
Jan Friman


Active Maintainer
Toshi (Toshiyasu) Wakayama


Active Maintainer
Ludovic Robert


TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainer
Adnan Saleem


EUC Representative

Doug Makishima

Summit Tech

EUC Representative
Diego González Martínez


Active Maintainer
Jose Luis Urien


Active Maintainer
Mahesh Chapalamadugu


EUC Representative
Eric Murray


TSC Deputy Chair
Kevin Smith


Active Maintainer
Chris Howell


Active Maintainer
George Glass

TM Forum

TM Form Representative
Henry Calvert


GSMA Representative 

Current Action Items:

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Release Management: Send a communication to "all" mailing list to inform about the release management and associated action requested from Sub Project Samuel Adeyemo  
13 Jun 2024Samuel Adeyemo2024-06-06 TSC Minutes
  • Tanja de Groot Send already in parallel information to all sub projects via "all" mailing list about the M2
Tanja de Groot2024-06-20 TSC Minutes

Technical Steering Committee Community Files:

No files shared here yet.