Versions Compared


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  • Progress of meta-release plan: Meta-release Fall24. 1 API WAS was added
  • Commonalities and ICM M1 shifting into June; M2 still kept on 15/06
  • Commonalities and ICM may have to prioritize the closing of main functional/technical issues or decide to move to next meta-release in order to reach an alpha release ASAP. 
  • Release Management issues status: see 2024-06-04 Release WG Minutes
  • The API release tracking page has been added to all API Sub Projects (thanks to Casey)
    • For new Sub Projects thIS this page will be automatically created in the Confluence page structure. The RM documentation needs to be updated accordingly.
    • API Sub Projects can create their API tracker(s) by clicking on the button on the API Release Tracking page and following the guidelines. There should be one tracker for each API and its version they plan to publish in the meta-release
  • Updated API-Readiness-Checklist PR available for review: Add to RM project

Specific Topic 1 (...)

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Any Other Business

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