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Attendees & Representation

TSC Members may indicate their attendance by marking an X in the column to the right.

Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance below the table. 


Deutsche Telekom AG

TSC Chair, Active Maintainer

Deutsche Telekom AG

Active Maintainer


Active Maintainer


Active Maintainer


TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainer


EUC Representative

Summit Tech

EUC Representative


Active Maintainer


Active Maintainer


EUC Representative


TSC Deputy Chair


Active Maintainer


Active Maintainer
George Glass

TM Forum

TM Forum Representative

TM Forum

TM Forum Representative


GSMA Representative


GSMA Representative

LF Staff:



The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
  • Action Items Review
  • General Topics
    • Governance & project management issues
    • API Backlog
    • Commonalities
    • Identity & Consent Management
    • Release Management
  • Specific Topics
    • Sub Project Lifecycle proposals
  • Any Other Topics


Review and approval of previous meeting minutes

Action Item Review

Governance & Project Management issues

  • CAMARA Board Meeting on April 25th - short debrief (Herbert Damker )
    • No questions or feedback about API backlog, Commonalities, Identity & Consent Management
    • Release Management - Herbert mentioned need for additional Community Release Manager(s)
    • API Sub Project Lifecycle - shortly introduced issues #122 and #129 - the Board general expressed support for the lifecycle stages 
    • EasyCLA vs Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) - options presented and discussed, Board asked for time until next meeting
      • In consequence EasyCLA deactivated also on QualityOnDemand repository (was activated for test purposes)
    • ...
  • New way to manage Maintainers of Sub project in teams and as members of
    • Aim is to improve the management of access rights regarding effort and reliability
    • Proposed way, tested for QualityOnDemand  
      • Maintainers of all Sub Projects will be invited as members to the CAMARA GitHub organization
      • For each Sub Project there will be a GitHub team
        • can be mentioned in GitHub as @camaraproject/<respository-name>_maintainers
        • can be added as reviewers to PRs within the Sub Project
        • will have "triage" access within the Sub Project (only code owners have "write" access)
      • The parent of all these teams is @camaraproject/maintainers
      • Further changes to support the above:
        • The CAMARA admin team will get owner of all and CODEOWNERS files
        • A change of these will be approved and merged if the majority of the existing Maintainers in a Sub Project have approved the change request (exceptions for new Sub Projects)
        • The files will get a new column "GitHub Name"
    • Discussion 
      • ...

API Backlog (Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez )

  • Initial content:
    • ...
  • Discussion:
    • ...

Commonalities (Rafal Artych )

  • Initial content:
    • ...
  • Discussion:
    • ...

Identity & Consent Management (Axel Nennker )

  • Initial content:
    • ...
  • Discussion:
    • ...

Release Management (Tanja de Groot Samuel Adeyemo )

  • Initial content:
    • ...
  • Discussion
    • ...

Sub Project Lifecycle proposals (Herbert Damker )

  • Initial content:
    • To keep the number and variety of Sub Project within CAMARA manageable we have two proposals currently:
    • Slides as presented within CAMARA Board Meeting at April 25th:
    • Feedback on the lifecycle phases within the Board was positive. There was a comment that the proposals are no either/or, that the criterium from #122 can be used at one of the gates of #129 (e.g. from Sandbox to Incubated) 
  • Discussion
    • ...

Any Other Business

  • ...

Next Meeting

  • Next TSC Meeting will be on May 16th at 16:00 CEST / 14:00 UTC / 07:00 PST
  • Specific agenda topics backlog:
    • Update from TMForum collaboration and how members are working in Catalysts and Operate APIs (Olta Vangjeli )
      • Catalyst and Operate APIs update
      • Can we have more usecases proposed how TMForum APIs and Camara communicate in e2e journeys
    • ...

Action items

  • No labels