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Attendees & Representation



Deutsche Telekom AG

TSC Chair, Active Maintainerx

Deutsche Telekom AG

Active Maintainerx


Active Maintainerx


Active Maintainerx


TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainerx


EUC Representativex

Summit Tech

EUC Representative


 not Active Maintainerx

Tnot removedelefónicaTelefónica

Active Maintainerx


EUC Representativex


TSC Deputy Chairx


Active Maintainer


Active Maintainerx
George Glass

TM Forum

TM Forum Representative

TM Forum

TM Forum Representative


GSMA Representative


GSMA Representativex



  • Commonalities and ICM scope issues and alpha release PRs/releases are ready for TSC approval - Combined M0/M1 to be declared after that and notified to the all mailing list.
    • Question: How much time is needed for the TSC approval ?
      • Give one week for review of the release PRs and then assume lazy consensus if there are no open comments.In parallel in formation to all subgroup via
    •  Tanja de Groot Send already in parallel information to all sub projects via "all" mailing list about the M2
    • Question: where do we post the "Request for scope and alpha/release candidate review" announcement? TSC mailing list or the RM mailing list ? If the latter, do we have sufficient TSC members on the RM mailing list?
      • Request for review should go to the TSC Mailing list. In addition the GitHub team @camaraproject/TSC_participants to be added as reviewer to the PRs
    • Delayed sending the message (per action previous TSC) to the all list due to an ongoing update of all the material (Update public release name - PR #35)
      • Proposal: combined M0/M1 message to be sent after TSC approval of Commonalities and ICM scope and alpha releases.
      • See above, information should be send already in parallel to the review of the release PRs of Commonalities and ICM.
  • 15 APIs proposed for the Fall24 meta release sofar so far. All are currently target initial versions (v0.x) as public releases,release. Possibly 1 or 2 may be proposed as stable public releases (NumberVerification and SimSwap)
    • Third candidate for stable: OTPvalidationAPI
    • Jose Luis Urien : We will have a discussion also in device location for some API to promote for stable.
      • Herbert: We can decide moving forward during the release cycle.
      • Tanja: till we can decide to promote or not to stable
      • Promoted API to stable should have live implementation as listed here(of previous released version) as listed here, and only reasonable amount of changes since then
  • Updated CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE and example PR available for review:
    • Question: How to proceed with the existing template in Commonaltities? Herbert's proposal: proceed as same way as we did it for the checklist
  • Release management issues closed. One pending PR review 1 , one issue as backlog item remaining.
  • Tanja de Groot added that we can create 'public release' outside of meta release → This possibility has been documented.
  • Upcoming tasks: start looking at the APIs proposed for the meta-release.

Any Other Business

  • Nope.

Next Meeting

  • Next TSC Meeting will be on July 4th at 10:00 CEST / 08:00 UTC / 01:00 PST
  • Specific agenda topics backlog:
    • ...None so far - please feel free to propose topics

Action items

  • embedded above.