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  • Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
  • Action Items Review
  • General Topics
    • Governance & project management issues
    • API Backlog
    • Commonalities
    • Identity & Consent Management
    • Release Management
  • Specific Topics
    • Marketing WG about Open Source Summit plansna
  • Any Other Topics


Review and approval of previous meeting minutes


  • Open Source Summit (Sept 16-18, Vienna): no updates from Markus yet:
    • CAMARA applied for 2 Call for Papers (2 presentations) but still no feedback
    • Current plan is to have a little booth and some swag. Also here still waiting on feedback

API Backlog (Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez )

Commonalities (Rafal Artych )

  • Release 0.4.0-rc.1
  • New topics:
    • Add rules in design guideline about multi-endpoint API design & implementation requirement #246

      • Do we decide that an API must be fully implemented (all endpoints have to be able to provide 2xx response) in order to be "certified"* ?
    • Add an “Area” data-type into CAMARA_common.yaml #242

      • Subprojects Sub projects using geographical area definitions asked for their feedback
    • How to inform API consumer about unprocessable subscription request in Async mode #243

    • Request body is required but all properties are optional #247

  • ...

Identity & Consent Management  (Axel Nennker )

Release Management (Tanja de Groot Samuel Adeyemo )

  • M2 declared at 2024-07-11. Next is M3 targeted for 2024-07-21.
  • 21 API release-candidates announced on the Meta-release Fall24 plan.
  • 3 APIs target a stable public release: number-verification, one-time-password-sms, sim_swap.

Marketing Working Group (Markus Kümmerle )

  • Plans for Open Source Summit Europe (16-18 September, Vienna, Austria)?
  • Preparation of material for the Meta-Release announcement?
  • ...

Any Other Business

  • No other comment...

Next Meeting

  • Next TSC Meeting will be on August 1st at 10:00 CEST / 08:00 UTC / 01:00 PST
  • Specific agenda topics backlog:
    • ...
