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Release Management (Tanja de Groot Samuel Adeyemo )

Image Added

  • Commonalities and ICM scope issues and alpha release PRs/releases are ready for TSC approval - Combined M0/M1 to be declared after that and notified to the all mailing list.
    • Question: How much time is needed for the TSC approval ?
    • Question: where do we post the "Request for scope and alpha review" announcement ? TSC mailing list or the RM mailing list ? If the latter, do we have sufficient TSC members on the RM mailing list ?
    • Delayed sending the message (per action previous TSC) to the all list due to an ongoing update of all the material (Update public release name - PR #35)
    • Proposal: combined M0/M1 message to be sent after TSC approval of Commonalities and ICM scope and alpha releases.
  • 15 APIs proposed for the Fall24 meta release sofar. All target initial (v0.x) public releases,. Possibly 1 or 2 may be proposed as stable public releases (NumberVerification and SimSwap)
  • Updated CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE and example PR available for review:
  • Release management issues closed. One pending PR review 1 backlog item.
  • Upcoming tasks: start looking at the APIs proposed for the meta-release.

Any Other Business

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