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Attendees & Representation



  • New way to manage Maintainers of Sub project in teams and as members of (Herbert Damker )
    • Update: Teams created, updates and review of files will be done one by one (see Governance/issues/134)
  • Update of structure in all sub projects
    • Template aligned and updated, update within Sub Projects be done within part of them
    • Update of Wiki pages (which will show the files inline) in work
  • Change Working Groups into Sub Projects
    • Almost done, about 9 pull request of APIBacklog need to be get closed within the old WorkingGroups repo
  • Provide a user-friendly snapshot for CAMARA users and developers


  • Initial content:
    • Updated API-Readiness-Checklist PR available for review: Add to RM project (#29)
    • Progress of meta-release plan: Meta-release Fall24 
      • M1 shifted to latest end of May; M2 kept on 15/06
      • Scope issue links have been added to the meta-release plan. Commonalities and ICM may have to prioritize the closing of main functional/technical issues or decide to move to next meta-release in order to reach an alpha release by 05-31. 
    • Release Management issues list nearing completion: see 2024-05-07 Release WG Minutes
  • Discussion:
    • No comments

Update on Sub Project Lifecycle proposal (Herbert Damker )

  • Initial content: Herbert reminded the maturity 4-steps cycle then proposed CAMARA API sub project lifecycle: API Proposal → Sandbox API → Incubated API → graduated (to be defined later)
    • See slide deck (action Herbert Damker )presented:
      View file
      nameTSC_2024-05-16_Sub Project Lifecycle.pdf
    • Recommend opening an issue so that we can further discuss this topicto discuss the following question further:
      • Question on Sandbox version shift & meta release: should not be correlated?for Incubated API a new version should be in a meta-release? 6 months time could be too long for some sandbox API?
  • Discussion

Update from TMForum collaboration and how members are working in Catalysts and Operate APIs (Olta Vangjeli ) - 20 mins


  • Slides will be share shared <<here>>> (action Olta Vangjeli )
  • Bilateral direction to build common UC & collaborate
    • CAMARA → TMF: We have the user stories in API that can provide "food for thought" for larger UC
    • TMF → Outputs from TMF autonomous network work could be a source to new CAMARA apis (or improvement of existing API)
  • Let's continue the discussion...


  • Next TSC Meeting will be on June 6th at 10:00 CEST / 08:00 UTC / 01:00 PST

Action items

Remaining ones from past meeting (updated):

New action items derived from minutes:


  • 129 with presented material and link to criteria in RM wiki Herbert Damker 
  •  Share presented slides (attached to the page or send on mailing list) Olta Vangjeli