Versions Compared


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Update on Sub Project Lifecycle proposal (Herbert Damker )

  • Initial content:
  • Discussion
    • ...
  • Herbert reminded the maturity 4-steps cycle then proposed CAMARA API sub project lifecycle: API Proposal → Sandbox API → Incubated API → graduated (to be defined later)
    • See slide deck (action Herbert Damker )
    • Recommend opening an issue so that we can further discuss this topic
      • Question on Sandbox version shift & meta release: should not be correlated?for Incubated API a new version should be in a meta-release? 6 months time could be too long for some sandbox API?
  • Discussion
    • To be continued offline

Update from TMForum Update from TM Forum collaboration and how members are working in Catalysts and Operate APIs (Olta Vangjeli ) - 20 mins

  • Catalyst and Operate APIs update
  • Can we have more usecases proposed how TM Forum TMForum APIs and Camara communicate in e2e journeys
  • Slides will be share <<here>>> (action Olta Vangjeli )
  • Bilateral direction to build common UC & collaborate
    • CAMARA → TMF: We have the user stories in API that can provide "food for though" for larger UC
    • TMF → Outputs from TMF autonomous network work could be a source to new CAMARA apis (or improvement of existing API)
  • Let's continue the discussion...

Any Other Business

  • ..No other topic.

Next Meeting

  • Next TSC Meeting will be on June 6th at 10:00 CEST / 08:00 UTC / 01:00 PST
