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Community: Axel Nennker Pierre Close Yacine Kheddache Rafal Artych Tanja de Groot Murat Karabulut Lyle Bertz Adnan Saleem Yacine Kheddache 
@Ali  @Ali Gilani Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez 


The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.



Governance & Project Management issues

  • EasyCLA vs DCO Upate Update (Casey Cain)
    • ....Ready to be sent out independently and ready for board approval. 
  • New way to manage Maintainers of Sub project in teams and as members of (Herbert Damker )
    • Update: Teams created, updates and review of files will be done one by one (see Governance/issues/134)
  • Update of structure in all sub projects
    • Template aligned and updated, update within Sub Projects be done within part of them
  • Change Working Groups into Sub Projects
    • Almost done, about 9 pull request of APIBacklog need to be get closed within the old WorkingGroups repo
  • Provide a user-friendly snapshot for CAMARA users and developers


  • Initial content:
    • New API Proposals (see
      • VerifiedCaller
        • This new subproject has been approved and is ready to be created
      • Tenure
        • Separate repo to be created within the KnowYourCustomer use case. 
        • Toshiyasu Wakayama  wants to verify with the KnowYourCustomer members to see if it is OK to have Tenure API as part of KnowYourCustomer family. If any changes need to be made the team will follow up accordingly.
        • Discussion on the API objectives:
    • ...
        • "long term" info (this line is 14 years old) vs "short term" check (this line is older than 60 days)

Commonalities (Rafal Artych )