

API name

Target version1.0.0
Target scopeSimSwap/issues/122
Target maturitystable
Readiness checklist

API Readiness Checklist

Checklist for sim-swap 1.0.0 in r1.2

Nr API release assets alpha release-candidate initial
Status Comments
1 API definition M M M M Y link
2 Design guidelines from Commonalities applied O M M M Y
3 Guidelines from ICM applied O M M M Y
4 API versioning convention applied M M M M Y
5 API documentation M M M M Y Embed documentation into API spec - link
6 User stories O O O M Y check retrieve
7 Basic API test cases & documentation O M M M Y check retrieve
8 Enhanced API test cases & documentation O O O M Y check retrieve
9 Test result statement O O O M N Fall24 EXCEPTION: Test results not available (*)
10 API release numbering convention applied M M M M Y
11 Change log updated M M M M Y link
12 Previous public release was certified O O O M Y link

(*) If you encounter issues with the provided test files (.feature), please create an issue in the API Sub-Project to signal these issues so they can be fixed in a patch release.

To fill the checklist:

  • in the line above the table, replace the api-name, api-version and the rx.y by their actual values for the current API version and release.
  • in the Status column, put "Y" (yes) if the release asset is available or fulfilled in the current release, a "N" (no) or a "tbd". Example use of "tbd" is in case an alpha or release-candidate API version does not yet provide all mandatory assets for the release.
  • in the Comments column, provide the link to the asset once available, and any other relevant comments.

Note: the checklists of a public API version and of its preceding release-candidate API version can be the same.

The documentation for the content of the checklist is here: API Readiness Checklist

M3 date2024-08-09
M4 date2024-09-09
API version1.0.0
pre-release tagr1.1
M5 dateyyyy-mm-dd
public-release tagr1.2

M4: OK SimSwap r1.2 release review (M4 for stable version)

M3: OK SimSwap r1.1 release review · Issue #55

Previous version of the API implemented by multiple operators in Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, Spain and other countries. GSMA Certified implementations by Orange, Telefonica, Vivo, Claro,  Axiata, Telkomsel and others (source: as of 2024-08-16).


Additional Information