

API name

Target version0.3.0
Target scope/DeviceLocation/issues/207
Target maturityinitial
Readiness checklist

API Readiness Checklist

Checklist for location-retrieval 0.3.0 in r1.2

Nr API release assets alpha release-candidate public-release
Status Comments
1 API definition M M M M Y /code/API_definitions/location-retrieval.yaml
2 Design guidelines from Commonalities applied O M M M Y
3 Guidelines from ICM applied O M M M Y
4 API versioning convention applied M M M M Y
5 API documentation M M M M Y inline in yaml
6 User stories O O O M N
7 Basic API test cases & documentation O M M M Y /code/Test_definitions/location-retrieval.feature
8 Enhanced API test cases & documentation O O O M N
9 Test result statement O O O M N
10 API release numbering convention applied M M M M Y
11 Change log updated M M M M Y /
12 Previous public-release was certified O O O M N

Note: the checklists of a public API version and of its preceding release-candidate API version can be the same.

The documentation for the content of the checklist is here: API Readiness Checklist.

M3 date2024-08-09
M4 date2024-09-10
API version0.3.0
pre-release tagr1.1
M5 date2024-09-15
public-release tagr1.2

M4: OK DeviceLocation r1.2 release review (M4 with stable API version)

M3: OK DeviceLocation r1.1 release review · Issue #65

Previous API Version implemented and GSMA certified by China Telecom (source: as of 2024-08-16) 


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