CAMARA Population Density Data API - Follow-up meeting #9 - 2024-06-05

June 05th, 2024




Sachin KumarVodafone
Gregory LiokumovichEricsson
Ludovic Robert 


Violeta Gonzalez FernandezTelefonica
Jorge GarciaTelefonica

Population Density Data API minutes:


  • Approval of previous meeting minutes #8 and meeting agenda
  • Open issues and PRs
    • Issues: #12 #23 #24
    • PR #25 #27
  • Initial algorithm proposal review
  • Timeline and next steps
  • AoB

Open Issues & PRs

Issue#12TelefonicaDiscussion on API algorithm - Initial proposal
Issue#23TelefonicaAPI exposed parameters (MAX-MIN-AVG)
Issue#24TelefonicaAPI access mechanism
PR#25TelefonicaDocumentation of API Algorithm
PR#27TelefonicaRC version proposal

Approval of previous meeting minutes & documentation (1)

Meeting Minutes #8


API proposal review (2)


Definition of API response parameters, to be reviewed

To include definitions proposed by Gregory: 

  • use "pplDensity" - for predicted population density in a grid cell
  • use "minPplDensity" - for minimal predicted population density in a grid cell
  • use "maxPplDensity" - for maximal predicted population density in a grid cell

Issue Closed


Authentication/security discussion opened around the usage of 2-3 legged access tokens for this API(s).

  • API, as not including personal data (anonymized), is to be considered as a 2-legged access token.
  • To review if API specification needs to be modified accordingly Ludovic Robert 

After offline and online discussion, decision is taken on:

  • Not modify security schema in the API code, as no different guidance in I&CM group is determined apart from OIDC
  • Include clarification text in API documentation, establishing that the usage of this API is determined by CAMARA rules, in this case 2-leggged as no personal data is treated.

Text to be included as RC2

Issue to be closed when merged


Solving Issue#12


Proposing Release Candidate version (scope freezed).

Only dependant on issue #24 discussions to become stable, any other topic to be fixed before?


Initial algorithm proposal (3)


→ To provide feedback

Question: how to proceed?

To document that this is just a proposal of algorithm steps that can be considered as reference. It is included in API supporting documents, not binding. → done

Clarify the step of removing non-personal devices from the device count, not using M2M reference → done

Continue offline review

AoB (4)

Meta-release process to be started as soon as version is released. Commonalities adoption may be required. 

Process will be started to include 0.1.0 in Meta-release.

Discussion Summary

Issue#12Discussion on API algorithm - Initial proposalContinue offline discussion.
Issue#23API response parametersClosed
Issue#24Authentication/securityTo include text clarification in APi description
PR#25Documentation of API AlgorithmContinue offline discussion.
PR#27RC version proposalMerged.
(new) PR#30RC2 version proposal

Next steps

  1. Feedback on algorithm proposal→ Follow-up meeting #
  2. Close async mechanism #
  3. Parameter definitions #
  4. RC API spec agreement → Follow-up meeting #
  • Next call will be June 19th, 2024
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