Attendees & Representation

Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance

LF Staff: Casey Cain 

Community: Tanja de Groot Herbert Damker Shilpa Padgaonkar Rafal Artych - please add your name if I missed anyone.


The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Roll Call
  • Action Items Review
  • Agenda Bashing
  • General Topics
    • review proposed update of milestone table content
    • walk through of RM pages
    • discussion of comments.
  • Any Other Topics


Action Item Review

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Tanja de Groot to send M0/M1 email after the next TSC meeting on thursday. After meeting note: this was updated in TSC meeting to send message on 06-24 when ICM rc is available 
Tanja de Groot2024-06-18 Release WG Minutes
2024-06-18 Release WG Minutes
Tanja de Groot2024-05-28 Release WG Minutes
  • RM team needs to add another CODEOWNER - Candidates welcome
2024-05-28 Release WG Minutes
  • Issue #5: check example on stable API version in RM pages and add if needed. Tanja de Groot 
Tanja de Groot2024-05-14 Release WG Minutes

Topic 1: review proposed update of milestone table content

  • This proposal aims to make the milestone table easier to understand
  • Please review and comment the proposed update here - @all
  • We may need to create a special guideline for the first Fall24 release 

Topic 2: walk through of the RM pages

  • An archive will be created to move obsolete pages there Tanja de Groot 
  • The release tracker template is to be updated to have "template values" instead of real examples to incite people to update them. Tanja de Groot 
  • Tanja de Groot  and Casey Cain to update the actual template page.

Topic 3: discussion of comments

  • The concept of sandbox and incubator will be applied to the Sub-project, not to releases.
  • The current public-releases will be renamed (Sandbox → initial and Incubator → stable) - text needs to be updated accordingly. Tanja de Groot 
  • The initial API version, will be renamed to wip - text and picture to be updated accordingly Tanja de Groot  
  • A page about Sub-project lifecycle shall be added, explaining the concept of project maturity level (Sandbox, Incubator) Tanja de Groot 
    • The major point being that a Sandbox Sub-projects can never publish a stable API release, only initial release(s).

Action items