Attendees & Representation

Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance

LF Staff: Casey Cain 

Community: Ludovic Robert Ming Hui Foo Jan Friman Jose Luis Urien Mark Cornall 


The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Roll Call
  • Action Items Review
  • Agenda Bashing
  • General Topics
    •  Identifying the release managers (min 2)
      • No volunteer from the audience
      • Casey will trigger an alert to Herbert Damker/Nathan Rader
    • Team mostly attended the presentation/training 
    • Next steps:
      • Identifying the sub-projects that will be part of the release (and then identify dependence between these sub-projects 
        • José said that no decision on CAMARA as of now - need some alignment with GSMA
        • Mark said that probably GSMA will align on the CAMARA release
          • We need probably to escalate to the TSC about release synchronisation between CAMARA and the requirements from GSMA
          • We need to discuss about release frequency
            • Jan says that outcomes from other work groups like end-user groups should be connected.
        • From Release management we need to provide to each working group very specific requirements.
          • for exemple alignement with commonalities version
        • José said that the release management part about roadmap is still unclear (following training) & complex to achieve. The part about technical alignement for each project with the commonalities rules is probably easier to achieve.
          • José & Ludovic agreed that we need a Release Project Manager for CAMARA and this is not a profile we have so far in CAMARA
            • Point to be discussed in next TSC:  nominate 2 Release managers.
            • Casey reminds that in the training the role of the Release Manager (RM) was detailed. Casey shared the slide listing RM duties. 
              • Good to have this list of duties presented for the discussion in TSC 
    • As this project is very specific to other CAMARA sub projects based on git issue & PR we need also to adjust on the way to work within this group
  • Any Other Topics
    • Next meeting - January 9th, 2024 (no meeting January 2nd)


Action Item Review

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Tanja de Groot to send M0/M1 email after the next TSC meeting on thursday. After meeting note: this was updated in TSC meeting to send message on 06-24 when ICM rc is available 
Tanja de Groot2024-06-18 Release WG Minutes
2024-06-18 Release WG Minutes
Tanja de Groot2024-05-28 Release WG Minutes
  • RM team needs to add another CODEOWNER - Candidates welcome
2024-05-28 Release WG Minutes
  • Issue #5: check example on stable API version in RM pages and add if needed. Tanja de Groot 
Tanja de Groot2024-05-14 Release WG Minutes

Topic 1

  • Comments

Action items
