Attendees & Representation

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LF Staff:


Cristina Santana CasillasTelefónica
Rafal ArtychDT
Sergio Francisco Ortiz (Chair)TelefónicaX
Ricardo Serrano GutierrezTelefónicaX
Jhon Javier Lozal LucoTelefónica
Fabrizio MoggioTelecom Italia Mobile
Kevin Xu5GFF/Verizon Wireless
Leo ChelyCabellabsX
Deepak GunjalCap GeminiX
Babu NarayanNabstract
Vaibhav MehtaNabstractX
Uwe RauschenbachNokiaX
Nicola CadenelliNearby ComputingX
Randy LevensalorCablelabs
Tom Van PeltGSMAX
Thomas VitsEdgeXRX
Kevin Smith (minutes, aka 'Kev')5GFF/Vodafone
Joshua PengJC Drawn MobileX
Mourad KhanfouciMitsubishi electricX
Mark Cornall GSMAX
Andrew Wajs


1.- Main changes in EdgeCloud MVP (PR 154) following previous meeting. Goal Merge into main branch and include further changes in separated PRs.

  • Combined Artifact and Application into a single type
  • Added get methods for Application and AppInstances ( included status for app instance)

2.- Harmonization of concepts/items among Simple Edge Discovery/MVP/Traffic Influence APIs

  • Issue 163 Harmonization of Edge Entitys among EdgeCloud APIS for future merge
  • Issue 164 TI and MVP API - Harmonization of common entities

 3.- Other implementation details:

  • Continuation of discussion in PR 159 . Added URI in get AppInstance in MVP API.
  • Review on other open conversations in open PRs

4.- Cleaning status of auxiliary branches


Action Item Review

Topic 1.- Main changes in EdgeCloud MVP (PR 154) following previous meeting. Goal Merge into main branch and include further changes in separated PRs.

Explained main changes by Sergio, agreed (comments by Nicola, Deepak, Thomas) that next step should be approve PR 154 and keep working in other changes with new PRs grouped by functionality/type ( e.g. parameter limitations patterns,...).

Code owners will be encouraged to approve this PR.

Deepak has still some open conversations in PR 154, suggestion to move to new PR once this one is accepted

Uwe, comments that some methods should be using plurals (apps instead of app, appinstances instead of appinstance). To be reviewed with CAMARA guidelines and general usage, candidate for a separate PR once PR 154 is merged.

Topic 2.- Harmonization of concepts/items among Simple Edge Discovery/MVP/Traffic Influence APIs

Agreed that we need to harmonized concepts. 

Kev mention that MECPlatform could be changed to avoid acronyms.

Not clear yet what name is most adequate. Some tips given by Uwe (it should reflect clearly what it is referring to), Thomas reminded a document that was a work in progress with Edge Terminology that should be completed and use for the final naming decission ( 

Work on that document and naming suggestions welcome in Issue

          Issue 164

Affects mainly to TI, Fabrizzio was not in the call. Issue will be updated to wait for his opinion.

 Topic 3.- Other implementation details:

  • Continuation of discussion in PR 159 . Added URI in get AppInstance in MVP API.

Discussion with input from Deepak, Nicola, Thomas, Marc, Sergio.

There are different point of views of what Discovery should cover and who would be the api user. Definition of possible user stories should help to clarify all views ( including if the application is intantiated before of after the discovery call), and with a CAMARA API or a external API).

Some links provided to help in the discussion: - Clarification of the purpose and workflow of simple edge discovery.  - Help on how to deploy EC2 in AWS, could be applicable to do that on edges

Contributors are encouraged to add their comments in PR 159

Topic 4- Cleaning status of auxiliary branches

The following releases needs to be removed: release-0.9.0, release-1.0.0 and release-2.0.0

  • Kev and Fabrizzio seem not to have enough permissions to do it. Kev will try to contact Markus to  workaround this, it might need to wait after holidays.

Off Topic

  • Nicola: Do we have an expectation for a deadline in having ready the API definition?  No one in the call is aware of a hard deadline, although the expectation is to have it as soon as possible. Point taken to be addressed in future meetings.

Action items
