Attendees & Representation

Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance

LF Staff: na

Community: Randy Levensalor Ben Hepworth Thorsten Lohmar Maximilian Laue Eric Murray Ákos Hunyadi Ramesh Shanmugasundaram Toshiyasu Wakayama Rafal Artych Emil Cheung Joachim Dahlgren Jorge Garcia Hospital Konstantinos Fragkos Masaharu Hattori Surajj Jaggernath Syed Rehman Ákos Hunyadi 


  • Antitrust Policy
  • Review of previous meeting minutes
  • Overall Topics
    • ...
  • Regular Topics
    • Open Pull Requests
    • New Issues
    • Issues relevant for v0.11.0
  • Any Other Topics


Review of previous meeting minutes

Overall topics

Open Pull Requests (open for review)

  • PR #299 New API QOD Provision
    • Name of endpoint to be discussed (see comments from Randy Levensalor within the PR). Eric: "provision" is mobile terminology, would be good to avoid.
    • Jorge Garcia Hospital will ask Jose Luis Urien to address the comments.
    • To be able to include it within the release candidate we need to conclude the discussions about the PR until the next meeting (starting the final review).

Closed issues

New Issues

Issues relevant for v0.11.0

Further Issues

Any other topics

  • Next QoD meeting will be on July 12th, at 14:00 CEST / 12:00 UTC
  • We don't plan to skip meeting until the release (at least for now).

Action items