Attendees & Representation

Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance

LF Staff: 

Community: Ben Hepworth Randy Levensalor Masaharu Hattori Ákos Hunyadi   Emil Cheung Joachim Dahlgren Jorge Garcia Hospital Ramesh Shanmugasundaram 


  • Antitrust Policy
  • Review of previous meeting minutes
  • Overall Topics
  • Regular Topics
    • Closed PRs and Issues
    • Open Pull Requests
    • New Issues
    • Open Issues
  • Any Other Topics


Review of previous meeting minutes

Overall topics

Open Pull Requests

Closed Pull Requests

  • #348 Updating names qos-profile of endpoints
    • Comments addressed:
      • GET /qos-profiles/{name} kept unchanged
      • `/qos-profiles` is now `/retrieve-qos-profiles`
    • Ready for final review by Codeowners
  •  #349 QoD Test definitions
    • This will be the base PR for the .feature files
    • Request to review to all
      • Please comment also on the points within README if you think they can be resolved now or should be postponed to later
    • DT will compare with #350, if some scenarios should be added from #350
    • Last comments should be available until Wednesday August 28th eob
    • Jose Luis Urien will with priority address comments
    • PR has to be merged August 30th eob
  • #350 Update QoD_API_Test.feature
    • Closed - not discussed


Open Issues

Review scope and time plan for Release Candidate

Review possible scope and time plan for Spring Release

Any other topics

  • Next QoD meeting will be on September 20th, at 14:00 CEST / 12:00 UTC

Action items