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OrangeLudovic Robert 
Charter CommunicationsChristopher Aubut 
T-Mobile US
China Telecom
GSMAReg Cox 
Chunghwa Telecom
Deutsche Telekom


17 CentillionNew Proposal for Authorization for Advertisements, Advertisements Consent, and Measurement
The API template is available in PR#386.

Published new standards, Next meeting (this time) Nick will bring all the documentationa present everything putted together

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.



Adapt Project StructuresAndRoles.MD to changes in API backlog table (reduction of comments)
The aim is to update the governing document to reflect on the updated changes on API submission pipeline, according to the new structure of the API backlog table.

Ricardo is currently working on modeling a new table

Strugling with the new Table model.

Bring the PRs from the old repo 

Makes sense to bring the table to confluence? 

GitHub seems to be more accesible and is visited by further people (devs. etc.)

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.



New Proposal: Carrier Wholesale Pricing
The API template is available in PR#393

First YAML avaliable here

The issue was not treated in this conference call

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

ACTION: Ricardo to reach up TelecomXchange to see if the could connect next meetings


Netfocusin Technologies

New Proposal: Steering of Roaming Management
The API template is available in PR#398

Does not seem to be in the Scope of Camara. 

NOt a east west (not between telcos) Already included in 3GPP as technical viable (provided in comment)

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

ACTION: Check for support/commitment from the partners (technical implementation aproach important)


China Unicom

New API Proposal: Shutdown ServiceStatus

The API tempate is available in PR#32

(relations with device status to be considered)

Device Status seems to not fit withion the API proposal, anyhow Yang will be opening an issue to check this

May fit better in other API Status based group (Number verification maybe)

Wait until is discussed in device status group (Next wednesday 19th at 11h CEST → LINK)

ACTION: Open an issue within DeviceStatus subproject to check overlaps. → There should be different APIs (device Status and shutdown services)

Number verification doesn t fit either as it is more based in subscription (name change?)

Overlap with Tenure and number recycling

ACTION: Owner to check Overlap with Tenure and number recycling

DECISION  Separate Repos should be created but same familiy (KYC) in order to have coordination meeting

Pending to complete support for reaching TSC


China Mobile

5G New Calling

The API template is available PR#31

Not treated

Telefonica and Vodafone willing to see the presentation to check whether there is support for this

To be treated in next session (still pending for providing extra info)



New API Proposal: Telco Scoring

The API template is available #42

Input from OGW Drop 4

Presented slides: API-Overview-TelcoScore.pptx

The API seems to not fit within KYC and new sg should be created. Support is required, feel free

Scoring can be calculated both with any user registered in the telco. Less information means less scoring, Algorithm may be different for each of the implementators (MNO)

ACTION: Toshi validate if This APImay fit within KYC API familiy → The issue was rised but still under discussion 

→(Toshi's proposal 20240627) In API Backlog 20240613 meeting, Jorge TEF and Toshi KDDI agreed that the API does not fit within the existing KYC-SP.  Then, in KYC-SP 20240625 meeting, that was shared within KYC-SP and there was no objection.  Closed.

Pending meeting with DT to seek for support.

ACTIONNoel to come back to TEF



Scope Enhancement: KYC-Match API -Scoring logic 

The API template is available #46

This is just an enhancement of the current API. 

Looks fine as an Enhancement. SHould work without scoring due to limitation in some countries (not all responses include scoring, some cases does not make sense). 

Optional parameter in the output

ACTION: Toshi validate if This API may fit within KYC API subproject

ACTION: Scope Enhancement Template should be created → DONE can continue with the discussion

Once the Scope Enhancement is approved the README of the KYC sg need to be updated

DECISION ALready developed approved in the backlog

Action to be closed



Device Management

The API template is available #30

The issue was not treated in this conference call

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.


API Backlog

Scope Enhancement Template

The API template is available #52

New use cases are usually proposed. Modify the template to show this and approve

Consider to close (check if template is merged)



Number Recycling

The API template is available 55

Difference with shutdown service? 

Check the differences.

Shutdown service is not linked to a contract

Probable comon scopes with shutdown service + Number reciclyng + Tenure

For Tenure two APIs have been proposed and differ from this ones (tenure is more refered the client itself rather than devices or mSISDNS)

ACTION: Show the differences/similarities in the next meeting (prepare a slide or two)

Check whether Tenure + Shutdown service + Number recycling fit in KYC (parts involved align internally)

→ Issue is created but no conclusion yet (there should be no problem to fit all the APIs as separate repos will be created just some resources shared) next meeting should be the outcome.

Proposal is to include the API in the same API but separate repos


Consider to close (create repo and include code owners) AP: send supporters email for looking for active code owners



New API proposal-Dedicated Networks

The API template is available #59

Thorsten presented the proposal: Material here

There have been a similar work in a TMF API. Pierre offere himself to Thorsten to reach up

DECISION New repo/subproject to be created and a family that groups both NSB and DN

ACTION Telefonica providing comments this aafternoon and moving to TSC 



Scope Enhancement for Network info

Seems that connectivity insigth is more suitable as there is already work done in the Devce Status regarding conection status. 

As there is more alike a device centric information maybe fits better in device status. 

Connectivity insights is more focused in the network status

As it could be used in both of the contexts a new API may be the best option. 

DECISION:There is not such a big change for DS subproject so scope could be enhaced and new repo created within the same Device status family

ACTION: Create the template in a PR related to 66



New API proposal - IMEI Fraud

The API template is available #64

This API was presented already and included in an existing group but no work was done so discontinued. Now Rebecca is presenting the proposal seeking for support

DeviceCheck GSMA proposal overlaps this

ACTION Chenosis Check the material shared by Eric/GSMA regarding DeviceCheck

VDF propose to include it under Device Identifier group, to be validated by Chenosis/MTN



New API proposal - Consent URL

The API template is available #67

The API proposal was presented, including additional slide info 

Discussion to follow offline in the issue/PR.



New API proposal - Quality by Design

The API template is available #71

Slides available here: here
YAML available here: here

New API being proposed to allow 3rd party applications to interact with the access network.
