Versions Compared


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NOTE: in case of differences between this page and the milestone table, or in case of missing points or proposed changes or other feedback, please use the Meta-release feedback page.

Release Management

During the meta-release cycle, the Release Management team actions for progressing the meta-release are the following:

  • Before M0, the Release Management team shall create the meta-release plan (page) under CAMARA meta-releases as follows:

During the meta-release cycle, the Release Management team maintains the meta-release page as follows:

  • M0M0:
      • announce the meta-release kick-off on the CAMARA mailing list ( This announcement indicates:
        • the Commonalities and ICM teams to prepare for M1 the scope definition of what they plan to put in the meta-release
        • all API Sub-projects release contacts to create the API release tracker for their next planned API version(s) as described here: API release tracking process.
        • the Outreach Committee to start preparation of marketing activities based on information in the meta-release plan
    • M1
      • Once available, check the final alpha releases PR of Commonalities & ICM and their release asset availability. If OK, submit to TSC for approval. After TSC approval, announce M1 on release management and maintainers mailing lists.
    • M2M2:
        • check for Commonalities and ICM that all release assets are available in their
        public-release PR. If
        • final release-candidate PRs. If OK, request TSC to approve creation of
        • the final release-
        • candidate of Commonalities and ICM.
        • Check that the meta-release plan is updated with
        • the final release-
        • candidate information of Commonalities and ICM. Announce M2 milestone once the meta-release page is updated with the Commonalities and ICM release-candidate tags.
      • M3
        • For all APIs, once available, check the first API release-candidate PR and, if OK, approve PR. Announce M3 milestone once all approved API release-candidates have update their API release tracker.
      • M4
        • for all APIs, check readiness of final
        M4: start approval phase for proposed
        • release-candidate API
        versions -
        • PRs. Approval can start as soon as an API Sub-project indicates "M4: ready for RM" on the API release tracker in the comments field. It is not necessary to wait for the actual M4 date if an API release is ready before.
        • Once available, check final API release-candidate PR and, if OK, approve PR. for all API public-release PRs, check if OK and ask for formal TSC approval. Announce M4 milestone when all API public-releases are approved by TSC.
      • M5
        • check that all API release trackers are updated with their public-release tag for
        M5: publish
        • the meta-release
        - this is done by ensuring all approved APIs are listed in
        • . Propose meta-release content to TSC. After TSC approval, publish the meta-release
        plan and their M5 date and public-release tag and package are available.
      • M6
        • conduct
        M6: Conduct
        • a meta-release retrospective as input for the next meta release
        - A retrospective
        • feedback page is available to all to add comments, feedback and suggestions for improvement. Improvement proposals are submitted for approval to TSC and implemented for the next meat-release.

      The actual milestone dates and status shall be updated on the meta-release plan when the milestone is achieved.


      • Target version: the public-release version expected to be published as part of the meta-release (latest by M1 but may be put earlier if known).
      • Target scope: link to GitHub issue defining the release scope (as soon as issue is created after M1)
      • M1 date: actual alpha release milestone date - update also the pre-release tag field

      • M2 date: actual release-candidate milestone date - update also the pre-release tag field

      • (Pre)release tag: updated with each new pre-release and at each milestone to point to the latest pre-release tag. Different alpha or release-candidate pre-release tags can be put here for usage by other teams, even if milestones are not yet reached.
      • M5 date: to be updated on after TSC approval of the public-release PR for M5 with creation date of the public-release

      • Public-release tag: updated with the public-release tag once available.

      The activities of the Commonalities and ICM teams during the release cycle are the following:

      • before M0:
        • Starting from the M2 of the previous meta-release, prepare the scope definition for the upcoming meta-release, and start implementation in one or more alpha releases.
      • M0
        • As soon as possible after
        • M0, fix the scope definition of the release for the meta-release:
          • Record scope in a dedicated GitHub issue, e.g. called "Fall24: Commonalities
          • / ICM scope
          • ".
      • Whenever a new pre-release is made available, the (Pre-)release tag column shall be updated with the release tag link for the Commonalities and ICM version respectively.
      • The actual milestone dates shall be put in the table when the milestone release is approved. 
          • Submit scope issue for TSC review
        • Develop final Commonalities & ICM scope through one or more alpha releases
        • Update data in the meta-release plan with each alpha release
        • Create final alpha release PRs and submit to Release Management
        • After TSC approval, create approved final alpha release for Commonalities & ICM
        • Update the meta-release plan with the alpha release tag
      • M1
        • Fix bugs raised by users through one or more release-candidates
        • Update release tracker on meta-release page with each release-candidate
        • Create final release-candidate PR and submit to Release Management for checking
        • After TSC approval:
          • Create the final release-candidate for Commonalities & ICM
          • Update the meta-release page for Commonalities & ICM with release-candidate tag
        • This final release-candidate
        Once TSC approval is given at M2, the target public-release version (release tag and release package) shall be created and the meta-release page shall be updated with M2 date and the public-release tag. This public-release
        • shall be used by the API Sub-projects to work with for their API release-candidate development.
      • M3 and M4
        • During API development, changes to the final Commonalities or ICM release-candidates may be requested, leading to new release-candidates to be reflected on the meta-release page. Hence the public-release PR of The commonalities and ICM will only be created latest 2 weeks before the M4 date. It will also be used for M5 for inclusion in the meta-release. 
        • Fix bugs raised by API testers through one or more release-candidates
        • Create public-release PR for Commonalities & ICM
        • After Release Management check and TSC approval of the public-release PR
          • Create the public-release
          • Update the meta-release page with public-release tag
      • M5
        • Provide feedback on meta-release
      • M6

      API Sub-projects

      API Sub-project teams shall create and update the API release tracker for each of their API version(s) as follows: 
